Mon-Fri: 8am - 8pm, Sat-Sun: 8am - 4pm
Gentle Birth Method

A Revolution in Birth Practice:

The Gentle Birth Method (GBM) is designed to make a mother Birth Fit


Pregnancy is a time of huge transformations. Physically, your heart will double in size to accommodate the 50% increase in blood plasma volume, your uterus will grow to 400x it’s original size and all your abdominal organs will move to accommodate your baby. Mentally, fluctuating hormones influence how you focus your attention as well as affecting your moods. Socially, you may become more protective and want to spend more time at home preparing for the new time ahead. And last but not least, spiritually a deeper connection to the ALL THAT IS. Because pregnancy forces you to be more embodied there is a deeper sense of connection to your purpose, your dreams and desires which may not have been so much in the forefront of your mind.


Most of the attention sits around the physicality of pregnancy because when we feel discomfort we know about it. Typically the physical changes that happen during pregnancy can easily be accommodated with the minimal of discomfort. However, for some mothers the changes can become so pronounced that their body is working overtime to re-correct things.


The GBM uses an integrated approach to bring your body back into balance. When you are in balance everything works as it should do and that will put you in a good position to have a good birth. The GBM doesn’t guarantee that challenges might arise or that things might not go as planned during the pregnancy and birth but the ideal is that you would always feel empowered and in control. to do the GBM focuses on three key pillars of pregnancy wellness; your mental, physical and nutritional wellbeing to ensure that you have the best pregnancy outcome possible.


The Three Pillars for Pregnancy Wellness


Physical Care.

Body Therapies: Reflexology and creative healing treatments which begin from 12-weeks onward till your birth. These treatments are designed especially to optimally support your pregnancy. Optimally, weekly treatments would work best during your pregnancy however two weekly is sufficient until you are 36-weeks unless there are problems. From 36-weeks onward we will meet weekly. See the treatment schedules below. Treatments are scaled to you needs and may vary with each treatment session.


  • Please note that if you have had any of these treatments for infertility once you are pregnant I will continue the treatments throughout. I will however, until the first 12-weeks only do gentle foot or facial reflexology.

Many mothers tell me that they have found it is very helpful to have their birth partner or friend to help supplement their treatments at home. For those that would like to do this there is a Creative Healing DVD that shows the specific techniques for the various pregnancy treatments. Please email me for you orders.


Nutritional Care:

Being well nourished is imperative as what you eat has a huge effect on the health of you and your baby. Pregnancy creates a pseudo-hyperglycaemic (high blood sugar) condition which can lead to bigger babies and potentially greater number of birth complications. We normally suggest that pregnant mums remove wheat and/or gluten products from their diet since gluten tends to cause irritation in the bowl and abdomen making the intestines “sticky”. This results in a disruption in nutrient absorption.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy induced gluten intolerance is evident if you experience  swollen feet and hands, pregnancy related diabetes and high blood pressure and unexpectedly bigger babies. Importantly, if you are swelling on the outside you are swelling in outer areas of your body and so, labour could be a little more difficult. We know that this may not be easy to implement at first however, we will set up ways in which you can implement these dietary changes in an easy and practical way.


Mental Health:

Developing a relationship with your body is crucial. If you think that you rule your body – think again! Most of our decision are made outside of our awareness which means that unless you change the patterns in our brain when trouble happens you will default to your patterns. So a first step is to learn how to interpret your body signals and then to act with purpose and intention. We use Visualisation and Hypnotic techniques. These are very safe and easy processes to follow will help you obtain the quickest and most optimal way to  reach a profound level of relaxation during your pregnancy.


All hypnosis relies on a conditioned response and therefore to gain the maximum hypnosis effects you need to begin practising hypnosis early in your pregnancy and to practise the hypnosis regularly. Evidence suggests that the more you practise the better you get and so, by practising your body will learn to respond directly to the suggestions that you give yourself.


Hypnosis in pregnancy is mainly used to:
  1. Relax you pelvis so that it can open to it’s widest capacity. This will enable your baby to pass through the pelvis safely and easily
  2. Managing the contractions so that they can be both effective and sustaining
  3. Prepare your body to return back to normal


Protocol for Treatments:

12 – 36 weeks

Treatment are every 2 weeks depending on your condition

36 weeks – birth

Treatments are every week

Note: I can be available to attend births as a birth partner or for additional support. Please let me know if this is something that you are interested in.


Client testimonials:

Dear Sherine

A very belated thank you for all your help birthing Finn. Your presence was exactly what I was looking for. A woman wise to the nuts and bolts of birthing and who could hold me emotionally through the journey with encouragement and humour. That combination is priceless. with much, much gratitude ~ Caroline, Pete, Finn & Annabel


Dear Sherine

I want to thank you for guiding me though one of the toughest situations of my life. I honestly don’t know how I would have done it without you, also a huge bonus to have it turned into such a positive experience that I don’t think will leave a lasting feeling of stress in spite of the twists and turns. I feel very blessed to have met you. Thanks again ~ with love, Rachel



Mother and the new prawn are doing very well, and his sister has taken to him immediately. Usual tiredness etc, but he is very calm after his birth, serene even. We can’t thank you enough for the support you have given us ~ Alex and Rachel





Hi Sherine,

I had a lovely boy born 8 days ago. He was overdue so we were booked in for an induction which I really wanted to avoid. Luckily I did and he was born within two hours at home and I delivered him myself! He is huge and feeding well. I know that I was not able to complete my sessions but what we did served me well. Thank you very much for that ~Rachel M.S.

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